Mitsui Kinzoku ACT Corporation manufactures and sells automotive door latches and other automobile door components. Currently, our products are used in one of every five cars in the world.

To meet demand from a large number of customers, we have established numerous development and production bases in North America, Asia, Europe, Africa and also Japan. This has enabled us to build global development, production and supply systems.

At present, the vehicle industry has entered the CASE/MaaS era, which is said to be a period that incorporates the biggest change in 100 years. To respond to this major change in the industry, we have established our Mission (the role that we will fulfill in society in 2050), Vision (what we want to be in 2030), and Values (the set of values we want to uphold).

Mission Contribute to the future mobility society by considering the safety, comfort and eco-friendliness of our products
Vision A door system supplier that makes contributions with high quality and product capability
Value Let tenacity lead to success. Try and improve. Independently change to create the future.
We have cultivated technologies for door opening and closing and monozukuri (manufacturing) over more than 50 years.
Based on these technologies, we will strive to transform into a door system supplier that makes a new impression with safe, comfortable, eco-friendly products toward the future mobility society when doors are set to be motorized and automated.
President and Representative Director
Kentaro Wakai